Black Timber Wolf Prayer shawl


Black Timber Wolf Prayer shawl

Original price was: $300.00.Current price is: $200.00.

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 “Wildlife and the Wild Woman are both endangered species.”

Clarissa Pinkola Estes

Each one of these shawls was conceived in small rituals during either the new or full moon, and carries a ceremonial essence to it.

These shawls are in essence medicine pieces and while they were being woven I was entering deep into prayer and journey to communicate with the animals and beings whose essence I wanted to weave into these prayer shawls.

This Black Timber wolf prayer shawl holds the wild nature of the wolf,

These wolves to me carry something ancient and primal that we often find lacking in our lives as modern day folks, and it was this essence that I wanted to conjure in my weaving.

Wolves, much like bears and humans have had a powerful relationship for eons and although we most often hear about the demise of these beautiful powerful creatures at our hand, we also have many stories and great swaths of folklore that tells of our friendship to these creatures.

It is within this meeting between wildness and friendship that I wanted to create shawls that would hold the medicine of relationship with them that is best served in the wearing of a cloak or shawl rather than a pelt!

There is also something of magic in this weaving, and as I was working on these pieces I felt called to add in bits of golden threads, as well as shimmery ones to represent the magical side of their nature.

This Black wolf cloak was made using organic black cotton yarn at its base, and have added in merino wool and other textile and art yarns that look like scruffy wolf fur as I worked to create this unique, sacred piece.

There is also a lovely fringe running along one end or in the case of this shawl two ends of the shawl to represent the shaggy coat of the wolf, and this has come to be one of my signature additions to my pieces, giving them an authentic feel much like these magnificent animals in nature. This cloak comes with a wooden carved black wolf shawl pin.

*I tend to only work with cotton and merino wool yarns as I find them softer and less itchy to wear.*

These pieces are big and designed to wrap fully around you with one end Lund over your shoulder.

Additional information

Weight 1.097 kg
Dimensions 35 × 25 × 10 cm