Storytellers shawl

Storytellers shawl


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This is the most colourful storytellers shawl I have made to date!

The yarns I used are some that I have been hoarding for years while I waited for the perfect inspiration to hit me and I think they really shine in this piece.

As I was weaving images of Dragonfly’s and hummingbirds kept flashing before my eyes, with all of their iridescent splendour, and so it felt fitting to add in this dragonfly shawl pin and to sew a small button with a crescent Labradorite moon and amber accent into the shawl so that it too could shine with the magic of these two creatures.

This piece, like most of my pieces also has a strand of cowrie shells that clack and make a lovely sound as you move, and bring a bit of the ocean into the piece.