Sacred Honeybee Drum
"In the earliest representations of ritual, we see priestesses holding the frame drum at the centre of the ceremony. We now have come to understand that the beat of the priestesses frame drums spoke to the sweet honey bee, and the ancient rhythms of life, death and re-birth."
Are you a beekeeper or lover of the honey bee?
Do you wish you knew more about the spiritual connection between the priestess the drum and the honey bee?
This workshop will support you to craft your own bee drum, leading you through ceremony and the ancient history of the bee priestess to bring a sacred hex shaped drum into bee-ing.
On-line Bee Drum Making
You will have the opportunity to create their own 13” Elk skin drum in a Hex shape reminiscent of the honeycomb, learning about the spiritual aspects of the Honey Bee and it’s medicine gifts to us.
During the process of making your drums we will call on ceremonial element for consecration of your frame which is the bones of your drum, and the skin/hide of elk medicine, giving thanks for this gift, and letting the spirit of the elk know that it is becoming a sacred and spiritual tool.
All elements that go into the creation process of your drum are included in this course, from the drum itself to the making a beater/tom-tom for it, and ceremonially waking it up.
This is a sacred ceremonial process, and your drum will be a sacred reflection of the sweetness of the bee.
All supplies to make your drum will be shipped to you with the exception of a piece of wood with which to make your drum mallet.
Supplies include:
~ A small pouch of pollen and cedar powder for consecrating your drum frame.
~A pouch of plant based golden dye, should you decide you want your drum a golden colour.
~ A 13" hex shaped drum frame made from Cedar.
~ One elk skin hide large enough to fully cover your frame and wrap around the back one inch over the lip.
~ An awl for punching holes in your hide.
~ Lacings for the drum.
~ Cotton batting and a leather circle cut out, for making the mallet with.
~ A small pouch with sinew and beads for decoration.
~ A length of bee ribbon and a small golden bee charm.
~A beeswax tea-light candle and matches for ceremony
~A sweet honey treat
Your Guide
Nikiah has been a sacred beekeeper for over a decade, with many hives in her backyard as well as being a Drum maker, so it is a joy for her to bring this course into Bee-ing.
Class 1: Once you have registered and gathered all of your supplies, you will receive an e-mail with a link to begin the first class.
In this class, you will learn about the history of women, the frame drum, and ancient drumming practices. Support and resources for drum playing will be given as well for those interested in learning more and going deeper. You will also receive information on finding the perfect piece of wood to create their drum
beaters, with information on the sacred aspects of 10 different trees.
Class 2: Instructions for soaking your hide and preparing yourself for the opening
ceremony of your drums' birth, are in the first portion of the class. In the second portion
Participants will gather together everything they need to stretch their drum.
In this second part, the ceremony and instructions for making your drum will be given, along with a video of Nikiah making a drum so you can use it as a guide for making and tightening your own drum ensuring that it dries properly.
Class 3: This class includes the ceremony for “waking your drum up”, in which we will be using the ancient technique of Bhramari or bee breath. Instructions on caring for your drum will also be given along with inspiration and resources for painting and further decorating your drum.
Class 1: Once you have registered and gathered all of your supplies, you will receive an e-mail with a link to begin the first class.
In this class you will learn about the history of women, the frame drum and ancient drumming practices.
Support and resources for drum playing will be given as well for those interested in learning more and going deeper.
You will also receive information on finding the perfect piece of wood to create their drum
beaters, with information on the sacred aspects of 10 different trees.
Class 2: Instructions for soaking your hide and preparing yourself for the opening
ceremony of your drums birth, are in in the first portion of the class. In the second portion
Participants will gather together everything they need to stretch their drum.
In this second part, the ceremony and instructions for making your drum will be given, along with a
video of Nikiah making a drum so you can use it as a guide for making and tightening your own drum ensuring that it dries properly.
Class 3: This class includes the ceremony for “waking your drum up”, in which we will be using
the ancient technique of Bhramari or bee breath.
Instructions on caring for your drum will also be given along with inspirations and
resources for painting and further decorating your drum.
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