Juniper Tree Essence

Juniper Tree Essence



This Juniper Tree essence was made in the fall of 2022.

These vibrational remedies were specifically created by Nikiah to not only support folks in their daily lives, but also to serve as a support for those working through her online course The Magic and Folklore of Trees.

What are Tree Essences?

Essences are liquid, plant preparations made from the fresh flower blossoms, leaves or fauna of a plant that imprint into water their energetic essence.

They function much like homeopathy in that they are very diluted essences of the flower, tree or plant and only contain the essence or vibration.

Essences are powerful medicine in that, although subtle, they support us in strong and foundational ways.

In this course participants spend time getting to know The Magic and Folklore of powerful trees from the forest, but many do not actually have access to sit and spend time with these trees.

These essences will not only support folks emotionally, but they also give us the opportunity to tap into the vibrational essence of the trees themselves!

How can the Juniper Tree Essence support us?



Spring Water, Brandy, Juniper tree essence