Posts by Nikiah Seeds
Part 2-How Hustle Culture ruined my creativity
Continuing to look back and seeing the present unfolding: Fast forward again, I am now living in New York. My kids are in their 20’s now and away at university, grown and gone, and I am an empty nester and deeply peri-menopausal. I am also living in a place with no friends or community close…
Read MoreHow Hustle Culture Ruined my creativity Part 1….
Lately I have been reflecting on my journey with being an entrepreneur, and how deeply embedded my creative life has been within it. As I began to look deeper and deeper at what was happening within my creative world, or rather, what was not happening, I began to see how my use of social media…
Read MoreWhat is Sacred Weaving?
This is a question I get from time to time, and I am always delighted to share a little bit about why I chose to call my weavings sacred and how some of my shawls came to be, such as the Storytellers shawl and the animal and goddess cloaks that I make… But first a…
Read MoreThe Story of the Red Drum
THE WOMAN’S DRUM IS RED….From the Hindu goddess Kali’s red tongue, to the Red robes worn by Mary Magdalene, each carries an essence of Red and in turn, each of us also carries within us an essence of all the archetypal goddesses.This is our birthright as a woman, for it is the red blood that…
Read MoreA High Summer Mango Peach Passionfruit Lughnasadh Treat
One of my favourite things to make in the summer is popsicles and ice-cream or rather this healthy vegan version of it. This recipe is super easy, and does not require any fancy equipment, and certainly not an ice-cream maker!You will need a blender, or vitamix, bullet or food processor–any of these will work. Recipe:Ok…
Read MoreCelebrating the Dark Season…
One of the things I try to pass onto the women that I work with is that ceremony does not need to be elaborate to be deep, powerful and effective. In fact many times it is in the simplest of ceremony that the most powerful things can arise. It is with this intention that once…
Read MoreThe Magic and Folklore of Trees-Rowan
The moment I feel the first small chill in the air something inside me shifts, and whatever seeds I planted in the spring will have grown within me and I know that now is the time to harvest!This year it is a course that has been with me to grow for some time now, although…
Read MoreWomen, She-Bears, Bees and my Ancestors….
Bear talisman found in Finland estimated to be from 5100 bc Many years ago, when Blogging was a “thing” I wrote almost daily and weekly blog posts about my life, and the unfolding of myself as priestess, mother, spirit worker and so on, mostly it was about our seasonal altars and my practise, as my children…
Read MoreAncestral Weaving-The creation of a sacred medicine shawl for a Seaweed Selkie Woman…
It was not that long ago I brought my first small loom home and marvelled at how long it took me to be ready to learn the ancient craft of my ancestors. Mostly it had to do with patience and timing, as right now I am at a time in my life where our children…
Read MoreRemembering the bones of my ancestors, remembering myself…
It all starts with family and a desire to understand ourselves better, or perhaps to know ourselves differently… I have always been interested in where I come from, in family stories and history, but sadly like many North American’s this information has not been easily available to me. The moment my ancestors got on boats…
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