This past summer, on my last day on west coast I harvested some beautiful and fragrant wild roses that grow close to the ocean along with some of the roses from our home and brought them back with me to the east coast as a reminder of my love for the spirits of the land there.
This morning I added to those roses some from small wild ones from my home here on the east coast as well as a few sprigs of Yarrow which is good for being emotionally resilient and helps us to be strong when times are hard.
These roses were infused in some beautiful Damiana liqueur that I brought back from my time in Mexico.
Damiana is most commonly known use is to rouse passions in all humans and has been used as an aphrodisiac for centuries!
However it also has great properties known to support depression as well as digestive health and was used as a tonic for overall wellness by Indigenous Mexicans for centuries.
This beautiful tincture is a great combination of plant medicines to soothe the nervous system, stir creative passions as well as serving to heal any sort of grieving we may be dealing with in our lives.