If you are called to immerse yourself in the ancient form of weaving to create your own sacred Womb Belt join me on:
May 31st and June 1st
Saturday 10-4 and Sunday 10-3
Salt Spring Island B.C
Cost $213 USD
There are nine sacred spots available.

"When I first began weaving a belt was one of the first things I ever wove for myself, it seemed to be instinctual and I felt called to create something sacred to wear that represented my ancestors and to hold and protect my womb space."
In this two day workshop women will come together in community and ceremony to weave a sacred protective womb belt.
Belts and womb belts have been used the world over for protection and binding, so we can hold that which is most sacred close to our bodies, and protect our sacred womb space.
In this workshop you will have the opportunity to weave your own sacred womb belt using handspun and locally spun wool fibers, as well as having the opportunity to bring any fiber or yarn that has meaning to you and to be able to weave it into your belt.

How This Course Works
Practical Details:
Upon registration participants will be sent details on the exact address to Neptune farm on Salt Spring Island B.C Canada.
Salt Spring is a beautiful sacred Island and home of the original Hul'qumi’num- and SENĆOŦEN-speaking peoples since time immemorial.
Salt Spring is a misty sacred isle, often also often referred to as the Isle of Apples as it was one of the first places in B.C to cultivate apples and it is home to hundreds of varieties.
There are many beautiful places to stay on the island with both buses and taxis for those coming over to the island for the weekend and in need of transportation.
Workshop Format:
We will be sitting on the floor for the day using small Japanese style Tatami tables and we will have halfback yoga chairs for everyone to use. Please bring any extra things you need to add extra comfort. Note: the looms will already be mostly warped, as this is not a class to learn the technical aspects of warping a loom.
We will break for an hour long lunch, where participents can enjoy the beauty of the land where we will be working, weather permitting of course.
What to Bring:
Please bring a packed lunch and water to nourish yourself. We will have a kettle to boil water as well as a small selection of herbal teas to share.

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