Bone Oracle

Bone Oracle


In these one one-on-one sessions we will meet via Zoom, and chat about your concerns and questions regarding your life and through that discussion, we may discover that more than one question needs answering.

I have found that the refinement of a question is as important as the actual bone reading itself.

Once we have a path forward, I will then ask which set of bones want to work with us to best answer your question.


Bone throwing or casting for divination has been used in many different cultures and in many different ways since ancient times.

I have been learning the art of bone throwing for over a decade and I work with several different sets of bones.

The way I work as oracle/Diviner was shown to me in journey by my ancestors and after working and using the bones for many years I am offering sessions to those who feel called to understand their lives through the lens of this kind of oracle divination.