Mentoring Form – NIKIAH SEEDS
“e-signature”: “\”
“Name”: “\”
“email”: “\”
“Number”: “\”
“dateField”: “\”
“checkbox”: “\”
“select”: “\”
“textarea”: “\”
“phone”: “\”
“website”: “\”
“radio”: “\”
“text”: “\”
“address”: “\”
“time”: “\”
“file”: “\”
“password”: “\”
“price”: “\”
(function(d, script) {
script = d.createElement(‘script’);
script.type = ‘text/javascript’;
script.async = true;
script.src = BoomFormElement.assets_path+’validator.js?v=001′;
script.onload = function(){
jQuery.extend(jQuery.validator.messages, {
required: ValidationMessages[‘RequiredMessage’],
email: ValidationMessages[‘InvalidEmail’],
url: ValidationMessages[‘InvalidURL’],
date: ValidationMessages[‘InvalidDate’],
number: ValidationMessages[‘InvalidNumber’],
digits: ValidationMessages[‘InvalidDigits’],
minlength: jQuery.validator.format(ValidationMessages[‘MinCharacters’]),
max: jQuery.validator.format(ValidationMessages[‘MaxWord’]),
min: jQuery.validator.format(ValidationMessages[‘minword’])
jQuery.validator.addMethod(“totalCheckMin”, function(t, e, i) {
var l =, “”);
var n = l.replace(/[^\d.]/g, “”),
s = $(“#field” + n + “D” + Id).val(),
o = $(“#field” + n + “C” + Id).val();
return parseFloat(s + “.” + o) >= parseFloat(i)
}, “Please enter a value greater than or equal to {0}.”);
jQuery.validator.addMethod(“totalCheckMax”, function(t, e, i) {
var l =, “”);
var n = l.replace(/[^\d.]/g, “”),
s = $(“#field” + n + “D” + Id).val(),
o = $(“#field” + n + “C” + Id).val();
return parseFloat(s + “.” + o) = i
}, “Please enter at least {0} word.”), jQuery.validator.addMethod(“maxlengthword”, function(t, e, i) {
return countWords(t) 5 && t.match(/[0-9\-\(\)\s]+/)
}, “Please specify a valid phone number”);
// $.validator.addMethod(‘checkboxes’, function(value, element) {
// return $(‘input[type=”checkbox”]:checked’).length > 0;
// }, ‘Please select at least one checkbox’);
var validation = {};
var validation_groups = {};
for(i = 0; i /g,”>”).replace(/’/g,”‘”).replace(/”/g,”””).replace(/\n/g,”
// $(‘#’+Id).append($.datepicker.dpDiv);
var fnstring;
var siteId = this.site_id;
var pss = this.settings.get(‘passwords’);
var statments = ‘s’;
var payment = ‘s’;
var ii = Id.split(‘-‘);
var payableoptions = JSON.parse(BoomFormElement.settings.get(“payableoptions”));
var fields_asoc = {};
payableoptions[‘turnOn’] = 0;
var AfterSubmition = JSON.parse(BoomFormElement.settings.get(“AfterSubmition”));
if(typeof this.settings.get(“GeneralSettings”) == “object”) {
var general = this.settings.get(“GeneralSettings”);
BoomFormElement.settings.set(“GeneralSettings”, JSON.stringify(general)); {
} else {
var general = JSON.parse(this.settings.get(“GeneralSettings”));
if(!general[‘choice_color’] || !general[‘choice_size’]) {
general = Object.assign({
“formheadercolor”: “rgba(255, 255, 200,0)”,
“headercoloropacity”: “1”,
“coloropacity”: “1”,
“formfieldscolor”: “rgb(255, 255, 255)”,
“fieldscoloropacity”: “1”,
“field_border_color”: “rgb(11, 11, 11)”,
“field_type_color”: “rgb(11, 11, 11)”,
“filed_border_type”: “solid”,
“field_border”: “1”,
“fieldborderradius”: “0”,
“header_font_size”: “24px”,
“font_header_color”: “rgb(11, 11, 11)”,
“fontcoloropacity”: “1”,
“form_text_color”: “rgb(185, 185, 185)”,
“textcoloropacity”: “1”,
“form_text_size”: “14”,
“BoomFormBold”: “”,
“BoomFormItalic”: “”,
“BoomFormFontBold”: “”,
“BoomFormFontItalic”: “”,
“BoomFormButtonBold”: “bold”,
“BoomFormButtonItalic”: “”,
“BoomFormLabelBold”: “”,
“BoomFormLabelItalic”: “”,
“button_text_color”: “rgb(255, 255, 255)”,
“buttoncoloropacity”: “1”,
“button_border_color”: “rgb(51, 51, 51)”,
“button_border_type”: “solid”,
“button_border”: “1”,
“buttonborderradius”: “0”,
“button_text_size”: “14”,
“ButtonBackground_color”: “rgb(51, 51, 51)”,
“ButtonBackgroundcoloropacity”: “1”,
“ButtonBackgroundhover_color”: “rgb(255, 255, 255)”,
“ButtonBackgroundhovercoloropacity”: “1”,
“ButtonTextHover_color”: “rgb(11, 11, 11)”,
“ButtonTextHovercoloropacity”: “1”,
“label_color”: “rgb(11, 11, 11)”,
“choice_color”: “rgb(11, 11, 11)”,
“labelcoloropacity”: “1”,
“label_size”: “14”,
“choice_size”: “14”,
“conf_font_size”: “14”,
“font_conf_color”: “rgb(11, 11, 11)”,
“conffontcoloropacity”: “1”,
“formconfcolor”: “rgb(255, 255, 255)”,
“confcoloropacity”: “1”,
“BoomFormContentFontStyle”: “0”,
“BoomFormFontStyle”: “0”,
“BoomFormOnOff”: “0”
}, general);
BoomFormElement.settings.set(“GeneralSettings”, JSON.stringify(general)); {
if (lsTest() === true && localStorage.getItem(‘userFormId’) === Id && AfterSubmition[‘SubmitOnce’] == 1) {
$(‘#’ + Id).html(eval(“\”
return false
var payableoptions = JSON.parse(BoomFormElement.settings.get(“payableoptions”));
var k = general[‘formcolor’];
var ka = general[‘coloropacity’];
var newBGColor = k.replace(‘rgb’, ‘rgba’).replace(‘)’, ‘,’ + ka + ‘)’);
var hf = general[‘font_header_color’];
var hfo = general[‘fontcoloropacity’]
var newFontColor = hf.replace(‘rgb’, ‘rgba’).replace(‘)’, ‘,’ + hfo + ‘)’);
var ft = general[‘form_text_color’];
var fto = general[‘textcoloropacity’]
var newTextColor = ft.replace(‘rgb’, ‘rgba’).replace(‘)’, ‘,’ + fto + ‘)’);
var BoomElement = ‘#BoomForm-Name-‘ + Id + ‘ .wsite-form-input’;
var styleContent = ” + BoomElement + ‘::-moz-placeholder {color: ‘ + newTextColor + ‘;} ‘ + BoomElement + ‘::-webkit-input-placeholder {color: ‘ + newTextColor + ‘;}’;
var styleBlock = ‘
var ks = general[‘formheadercolor’];
var kat = general[‘headercoloropacity’];
var newTypeColor = general[‘field_type_color’];
var newHeaderColor = ks.replace(‘rgb’, ‘rgba’).replace(‘)’, ‘,’ + kat + ‘)’);
var kse = general[‘formfieldscolor’];
var katy = general[‘fieldscoloropacity’];
var newFieldsColor = kse.replace(‘rgb’, ‘rgba’).replace(‘)’, ‘,’ + katy + ‘)’);
var newFieldsBorderRadius = general[‘fieldborderradius’];
var newBorderColor = general[‘field_border_color’];
var solid = general[‘filed_border_type’];
var BF_border_size = general[‘field_border’];
var newHeaderFontSize = general[‘header_font_size’];
var newFormTextSize = general[‘form_text_size’];
var newHeaderFont = general[‘BoomFormFontStyle’];
var buttontxtcolor = general[‘button_text_color’];
var buttontxtopacity = general[‘buttoncoloropacity’];
var newButtonTextColor = buttontxtcolor.replace(‘rgb’, ‘rgba’).replace(‘)’, ‘,’ + buttontxtopacity + ‘)’);
var newButtonBorderRadius = general[‘buttonborderradius’];
var newButtonBorderColor = general[‘button_border_color’];
var Bsolid = general[‘button_border_type’];
var Button_border_size = general[‘button_border’];
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var newButtonBackgroundColor = buttonbackgroundcolor.replace(‘rgb’, ‘rgba’).replace(‘)’, ‘,’ + buttonbackgroundopacity + ‘)’);
var buttonbackgroundHovercolor = general[‘ButtonBackgroundhover_color’];
var buttonbackgroundHoveropacity = general[‘ButtonBackgroundhovercoloropacity’];
var newButtonBackgroundHoverColor = buttonbackgroundHovercolor.replace(‘rgb’, ‘rgba’).replace(‘)’, ‘,’ + buttonbackgroundHoveropacity + ‘)’);
var buttontxtHovercolor = general[‘ButtonTextHover_color’];
var buttontxtHoveropacity = general[‘ButtonTextHovercoloropacity’];
var newButtonTextHoverColor = buttontxtHovercolor.replace(‘rgb’, ‘rgba’).replace(‘)’, ‘,’ + buttontxtHoveropacity + ‘)’);
var labelcolor = general[‘label_color’];
var choiceColor = general[‘choice_color’];
var labelopacity = general[‘labelcoloropacity’];
var newLabelColor = labelcolor.replace(‘rgb’, ‘rgba’).replace(‘)’, ‘,’ + labelopacity + ‘)’);
var newLabelSize = general[‘label_size’];
var newchoiceSize = general[‘choice_size’];
var newFontBoldText = general[‘BoomFormFontBold’];
var newFontItalicText = general[‘BoomFormFontItalic’];
var newLabelBoldText = general[‘BoomFormLabelBold’];
var newLabelItalicText = general[‘BoomFormLabelItalic’];
var newButtonItalicText = general[‘BoomFormButtonItalic’];
var newButtonBoldText = general[‘BoomFormButtonBold’];
var newItalicStyle = general[‘BoomFormItalic’];
var BoomElementItalic = ‘#BoomForm-Name-‘ + Id + ‘ .wsite-form-input’;
var styleContentItalic = ” + BoomElementItalic + ‘::-webkit-input-placeholder {font-style: ‘ + newItalicStyle + ‘;}’ + BoomElementItalic + ‘::-moz-placeholder {font-style: ‘ + newItalicStyle + ‘;}’
var newBoldStyle = general[‘BoomFormBold’];
var styleItalic = ‘
var BoomElementBold = ‘#BoomForm-Name-‘ + Id + ‘ .wsite-form-input’;
var styleContentBold = ” + BoomElementBold + ‘::-webkit-input-placeholder {font-weight: ‘ + newBoldStyle + ‘;}’ + BoomElementBold + ‘::-moz-placeholder {font-weight: ‘ + newBoldStyle + ‘;}’
var styleBold = ‘
var newFormFont = general[‘BoomFormContentFontStyle’];
var BoomnewFont = general[‘BoomFormContentFontStyle’].replace(/ /g, ‘+’);
var BoomnewHeaderFont = general[‘BoomFormFontStyle’].replace(/ /g, ‘+’);
if(BoomnewHeaderFont != ‘0’){
var BoomstyleHeaderFontFamily = ‘@import url(//’ + BoomnewHeaderFont + ‘); #header-‘ + Id + ‘ h2{font-family:’ + newHeaderFont + ‘!important}’
var styleHeaderFontFamily = ‘
var BoomElementFontFamily = ‘#BoomForm-Name-‘ + Id + ‘ *:not(.BformName)’;
if(BoomnewFont != ‘0’){
var BoomstyleFontFamily = ‘@import url(//’ + BoomnewFont + ‘);’ + BoomElementFontFamily + ‘ {font-family: ‘ + newFormFont + ‘!important;} #BoomForm-SubmitButton-‘ + Id + ‘{font-family:’ + newFormFont + ‘!important} #BoomForm-Name-‘ + Id + ‘ .wsite-form-field label{font-family:’ + newFormFont + ‘!important}’
var styleFontFamily = ‘
var confm = general[‘formconfcolor’];
var confmop = general[‘confcoloropacity’];
var newConfColor = confm.replace(‘rgb’, ‘rgba’).replace(‘)’, ‘,’ + confmop + ‘)’);
var conffontcol = general[‘font_conf_color’];
var conffontopa = general[‘conffontcoloropacity’];
var newConfFontColor = conffontcol.replace(‘rgb’, ‘rgba’).replace(‘)’, ‘,’ + conffontopa + ‘)’);
var newConfFontSize = general[‘conf_font_size’];
var BoomUserCss = ‘#wsite-content #’ + Id + ‘ label.error { color:red!important; } #BoomForm-Name-‘ + Id + ‘ { background:’ + newBGColor + ‘!important; } #BoomForm-Name-‘ + Id + ‘ .wsite-form-input,#BoomForm-Name-‘ + Id + ‘ .boom-wsite-select { color:’ + newTypeColor + ‘!important; } #formNamePreview-‘ + Id + ‘{ color:’ + newFontColor + ‘!important; } #wsite-content #formNamePreview-‘ + Id + ‘{ color:’ + newFontColor + ‘!important; } #Boomform-After-Submition-‘ + Id + ‘{ color:’ + newConfFontColor + ‘!important; } #’ + Id + ‘ .wsite-form-label { color:’ + newLabelColor + ‘!important; } #’ + Id + ‘ .wsite-form-label { color:’ + newLabelColor + ‘!important; } #wsite-content #’ + Id + ‘ label { color:’ + newLabelColor + ‘!important; } #’ + Id + ‘ .wsite-form-field .wsite-boom-choice { color:’ + choiceColor + ‘!important; } #’ + Id + ‘ .wsite-form-field input[type=”radio”]:checked:after { background:’ + choiceColor + ‘!important; } #’ + Id + ‘ .wsite-form-field input[type=”checkbox”]:after { border-color:’ + choiceColor + ‘!important; } #BoomForm-SubmitButton-‘ + Id + ‘ .wsite-button-inner { color:’ + newButtonTextColor + ‘!important; } #Boomform-After-Submition-‘ + Id + ‘ .BoomForm-SubmitButton .wsite-button-inner{ color:’ + newButtonTextColor + ‘!important; } #banner #’ + Id + ‘ .wsite-button .wsite-button-inner{ color:’ + newButtonTextColor + ‘!important; } #BoomForm-SubmitButton-‘ + Id + ‘ .wsite-button-inner:hover { color:’ + newButtonTextHoverColor + ‘!important; } #banner #’ + Id + ‘ .wsite-button .wsite-button-inner:hover{ color:’ + newButtonTextHoverColor + ‘!important; } #Boomform-After-Submition-‘ + Id + ‘ .BoomForm-SubmitButton .wsite-button-inner:hover { color:’ + newButtonTextHoverColor + ‘!important; } #BoomForm-SubmitButton-‘ + Id + ‘ .wsite-button-inner { background: transparent !important; } #banner #’ + Id + ‘ .wsite-button .wsite-button-inner{ background: transparent !important; } #Boomform-After-Submition-‘ + Id + ‘ .BoomForm-SubmitButton .wsite-button-inner { background:transparent !important; } #BoomForm-SubmitButton-‘ + Id + ‘ .wsite-button-inner:hover { background: transparent !important; } #Boomform-After-Submition-‘ + Id + ‘ .BoomForm-SubmitButton .wsite-button-inner:hover { background: transparent !important; } #banner #’ + Id + ‘ .wsite-button .wsite-button-inner:hover{ background: transparent !important; }#BoomForm-SubmitButton-‘ + Id + ‘ { background-color:’ + newButtonBackgroundColor + ‘!important; } #banner #’ + Id + ‘ .wsite-button { background-color:’ + newButtonBackgroundColor + ‘!important; } #Boomform-After-Submition-‘ + Id + ‘ .BoomForm-SubmitButton .wsite-button { background-color:’ + newButtonBackgroundColor + ‘!important; } #BoomForm-SubmitButton-‘ + Id + ‘:hover { background-color:’ + newButtonBackgroundHoverColor + ‘!important; } #Boomform-After-Submition-‘ + Id + ‘ .BoomForm-SubmitButton:hover { background-color:’ + newButtonBackgroundHoverColor + ‘!important; } #banner #’ + Id + ‘ .wsite-button:hover{ background-color:’ + newButtonBackgroundHoverColor + ‘!important; } #header-‘ + Id + ‘{ background:’ + newHeaderColor + ‘!important; } #Boomform-After-Submition-‘ + Id + ‘{ background:’ + newConfColor + ‘!important; } #BoomForm-Name-‘ + Id + ‘ .wsite-form-input,#BoomForm-Name-‘ + Id + ‘ .boom-wsite-select { background-color:’ + newFieldsColor + ‘!important; } #’+Id+’ .BoomForm .wsite-form-field select, .wsite-com-product-option select { background-color:’ + newFieldsColor + ‘!important; } #BoomForm-Name-‘ + Id + ‘ .wsite-form-input,#BoomForm-Name-‘ + Id + ‘ .boom-wsite-select { border-radius:’ + newFieldsBorderRadius + ‘px !important; } #BoomForm-SubmitButton-‘ + Id + ‘ { border-radius:’ + newButtonBorderRadius + ‘px !important; } #Boomform-After-Submition-‘ + Id + ‘ .BoomForm-SubmitButton .wsite-button { border-radius:’ + newButtonBorderRadius + ‘px !important; } #Boomform-After-Submition-‘ + Id + ‘ .BoomForm-SubmitButton { border-radius:’ + newButtonBorderRadius + ‘px !important; } #header-‘ + Id + ‘ h2{ font-size:’ + newHeaderFontSize + ‘px !important; } @media screen and (min-width: 767px){#header-‘ + Id + ‘ h2{ font-size:’ + newHeaderFontSize + ‘px !important; }} #Boomform-After-Submition-‘ + Id + ‘ .wsite-form-label { font-size:’ + newConfFontSize + ‘px !important; } #’ + Id + ‘ .wsite-form-field .wsite-form-label { font-size:’ + newLabelSize + ‘px !important; } #BoomFormMain-‘ + Id + ‘ .form-required { font-size:’ + newLabelSize + ‘px !important; }#’ + Id + ‘ .wsite-form-field .wsite-boom-choice { font-size:’ + newchoiceSize + ‘px !important; } #BoomForm-Name-‘ + Id + ‘ .wsite-form-input,#BoomForm-Name-‘ + Id + ‘ .boom-wsite-select { font-size:’ + newFormTextSize + ‘px !important; } #BoomForm-SubmitButton-‘ + Id + ‘ .wsite-button-inner { font-size:’ + newButtonTextSize + ‘px !important; } #Boomform-After-Submition-‘ + Id + ‘ .BoomForm-SubmitButton .wsite-button-inner{ font-size:’ + newButtonTextSize + ‘px !important; } #BoomForm-Name-‘ + Id + ‘ .wsite-form-input,#BoomForm-Name-‘ + Id + ‘ .boom-wsite-select { border:’ + BF_border_size + ‘px ‘ + newBorderColor + ‘ ‘ + solid + ‘ !important;} #BoomForm-SubmitButton-‘ + Id + ‘ .wsite-button-inner{ border:0 !important; } #banner #’ + Id + ‘ .wsite-button .wsite-button-inner{border:0 !important;} #Boomform-After-Submition-‘ + Id + ‘ .BoomForm-SubmitButton .wsite-button-inner{ border:0 !important; }#BoomForm-SubmitButton-‘ + Id + ‘ { border:’ + Button_border_size + ‘px ‘ + newButtonBorderColor + ‘ ‘ + Bsolid + ‘ !important; } #banner #’ + Id + ‘ .wsite-button { border:’ + Button_border_size + ‘px ‘ + newButtonBorderColor + ‘ ‘ + Bsolid + ‘ !important; } #Boomform-After-Submition-‘ + Id + ‘ .BoomForm-SubmitButton { border:’ + Button_border_size + ‘px ‘ + newButtonBorderColor + ‘ ‘ + Bsolid + ‘ !important; }’
for(i = 0; i 10 || currentfield.Type == “file” || currentfield.Type == “e-signature”) && (BoomFormElement.settings.get(‘premiumflag’) == “not_added”))) {
$(eval(Fieldelements[Fields[‘FormFields’][i].Type])).insertBefore(“#BoomForm-SubmitButton-Parent-” + Id);
if(currentfield.Type == ‘address’) {
$(‘#’ + Id + ‘ div[name=’ + currentfield.Position + ‘] .form-select’).val(currentfield.predefinedaddress);
var BoomFormEditedaddres = currentfield.predefinedaddress;
$(‘#’ + Id + ‘ select[name=field’+currentfield.Field+’Co] option[value=”‘ + BoomFormEditedaddres + ‘”]’).attr(“selected”, “selected”);
if(currentfield.Type == ‘dateField’) {
var t = currentfield.Field;
jQuery(jQuery(‘#field’ + currentfield.Field + ‘datapicker’ + Id)[0]).datepicker({
showOn: “button”,
buttonImage: BoomFormElement.assets_path + “calendar.png”,
buttonImageOnly: true,
buttonText: ”,
onSelect: function(dateText, inst) {
var str = $(this).attr(‘id’);
var pieces = dateText.split(‘/’);
jQuery(jQuery(‘#’ + str.replace(‘datapicker’, ‘M’))).val(pieces[0]);
jQuery(jQuery(‘#’ + str.replace(‘datapicker’, ‘D’))).val(pieces[1]);
jQuery(jQuery(‘#’ + str.replace(‘datapicker’, ‘Y’))).val(pieces[2]);
jQuery(“.ui-datepicker-trigger”).on(‘click’, function() {
“my”: “left top”,
“at”: “left bottom”,
“of”: jQuery(this).parent().parent()
$(“form#BoomForm-Name-” + Id).unbind();
$(“form#BoomForm-Name-” + Id).submit(function() {
fnstring = “formSubmitStarted” + ii[5];
var fn = window[fnstring];
if(typeof fn === “function”) fn();
if($(“#BoomForm-Name-” + Id).valid()) {
if(event.keyCode == 13) {
return false;
var formData = new FormData($(this)[0]);
formData.append(“site_id”, siteId);
formData.append(“formId”, Id);
$(‘#BoomForm-Name-‘ + Id + ” .Boom_overlays”).css(“display”, “block”);
url: “”,
type: ‘POST’,
data: formData,
success: function(result) {
$(‘#BoomForm-Name-‘ + Id + ” .Boom_overlays”).css(“display”, “none”);
if(payableoptions[‘turnOn’] == 1 && payment != ‘s’ && sums) {
window.location.href = ‘’ + result;
} else {
if(AfterSubmition[‘action’] == ‘0’) {
$(‘#Boomform-After-Submition-‘ + Id).html(eval(“\”
if(AfterSubmition[‘SubmitOnce’] == 0) {
if(siteId == ‘489837497725008723’){
$(‘#Boomform-After-Submition-‘ + Id).append(eval(“\” \””));
$(‘#Boomform-After-Submition-‘ + Id).append(eval(“\” \””));
$(‘#Boomform-After-Submition-‘ + Id).css(‘display’, ‘block’);
$(‘#BoomFormOverlay’ + Id).css(‘display’, ‘block’);
if(AfterSubmition[‘SubmitOnce’] == 1) {
if (lsTest() === true)
localStorage.setItem(‘userFormId’, Id);
$(“form#BoomForm-Name-” + Id).remove();
switch(AfterSubmition[‘FormState’]) {
case “1”:
jQuery(‘#BoomForm-Name-‘ + Id).find(‘.wsite-form-input’).attr(‘readonly’, true);
jQuery(‘#BoomForm-Name-‘ + Id).addClass(‘bmf-lock’)
case “0”:
jQuery(“form#BoomForm-Name-” + Id)[0].reset();
if(AfterSubmition[‘action’] == ‘1’) {
if(AfterSubmition[‘Open_in’] == ‘0’) {
window.location.href = AfterSubmition[‘URL’];
} else {[‘URL’]);
cache: false,
contentType: false,
processData: false
fnstring = “formSubmited” + ii[5];
var fn = window[fnstring];
if(typeof fn === “function”) fn();
return false;
if(BoomFormElement.settings.get(‘customjsflag’) == “instaled”) {
var CustomJS = JSON.parse(BoomFormElement.settings.get(“CustomJS”));
var res = CustomJS[‘CustomJs’].replace(“formLoaded”, “formLoaded” + ii[5]);
res = res.replace(“formSubmitStarted”, “formSubmitStarted” + ii[5]);
res = res.replace(“formSubmited”, “formSubmited” + ii[5]);
res = res.replace(/(?:\r\n|\r|\n)/g, ‘ ‘);
var customcss = CustomJS[‘CustomCss’].replace(/(?:\r\n|\r|\n)/g, ‘ ‘);
"Number": "\"
"checkbox": "\"
\";}}if(payment[currentfield.Field].quantity==1){aaa+=\"\";} return aaa; })()+\"
"select": "\"
"radio": "\"
\"}}if((currentfield.payable == \"1\")&&(payment[currentfield.Field].quantity==1)){ aaa+=\"\";} return aaa; })()+\"