Year Two:

 The call of the Ancestors.

Our Ancestors are calling us to know who we are, to heal our lines, and to be able to support others to heal theirs too. Now is the time.

As students move though the layers of their own inner calling, the ancestors become fundamental to learning, and as such, it is important that we engage in as much ancestral healing work as possible, not only for ourselves but for our family and the planet.
This year is based on the 13 month course I offered in the past called Ancestral Longing and Memory, but has the addition of mastering the work to be able to offer it to others.


Some Key Offerings of this course are:


~Ancestral basics-how to work with our ancestors in a safe way. Not all of our ancestors went where they needed to go and are safe to work with as spirits. How to tell the difference.

~Protection and boundaries within the spirit world.

~Understanding who we are and where we come from, asking our ancestral helping spirits for guidance.

~Spend the year healing our own lineages through ceremony and ritual in a deeply held container.

~ Honouring the dead with ceremony, and learning the ways of our ancestors, our gifts and our curses.

~Building ancestral altars to begin a daily practise.

~The year culminates and moves us from our own deep ancestral healing to learning the craft of ancestral healing for others.


Within this year you will deepen further into the cosmology of the tradition of Healers and Mystics, continuing to build your bundle and deepen your understanding of who you are, and the gifts that you are being asked to carry.


We begin with a foundation of journeywork, ancestral work and healing.

We deepen our work with an even stronger Ancestral foundation by clearing lines on both sides of our family.

We dive into a final year of mastery with advanced healing techniques.

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This offering is currently not open to new apprentices. If you are interested in learning when I open my doors to new intakes, please receive my newsletter where you'll get updates about this and other offerings from Nikiah Seeds.